phytools: Phylogenetic Tools for Comparative Biology (and Other Things)
You have reached - the old development page for the phytools R package (Revell 2012).
- The phytools development page is now on on GitHub. For more information, see the phytools GitHub page:
- Lots of information about phytools is available on the phytools blog:
- If you are looking for a previous course webpage, please contact me for information on how to access the page.
- The old phytools webpage can be viewed here.
- I have posted various shiny web interfaces for teaching population genetics & evolutionary biology here.
- I have developed an R-based excess mortality & COVID-19 explorer web application. It can be accessed here.
- Lastly, my lab is building a web interface for phylogenetic comparative analysis. The development version of this site can be viewed here.
Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions about phytools or this page:
Liam J. Revell (CV, Google Scholar)
Professor of Biology, University of Massachusetts Boston
Email: or
Last updated 12 September 2022.